Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Pity Party Is OVER

Some time has passed since I wrote my last post and I went back and forth with the notion of taking it down, but I want to be as real on here (my journal) as possible and all days aren't GOOD days. Some days I get down right depressed and unhappy with where I am in life. 

But the truth of the matter is that I'm blessed to be alive, and everyday that I am living is a chance for me to change my situation, to be who I want to be, and do what I want to do.
Sometimes it doesn't feel that way though.  I'm thankful for GOD putting people in my path to remind me that life is a journey.  There will be valleys along the way, BUT there will also be mountains.  Most often times, the mountains will be directly after being in a valley.  That is why it will seem so hard to move up.  The path down is easy.  There is nothing opposing you.  The travel upward will be much harder.  The gravity will fight you with every step.  In the end, you will be stronger and more grateful because of the effort and time that was put forth.  The reward will be greater.
Nothing worth having is easy or comes overnight.  Things will change.  Better days are ahead for me and for you.

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